Brand Strategy

Our job is to create a “personality” for the client’s brand, making it attractive and desirable to the target market; and effectively communicate its benefits, thereby effectively supporting sales activity / paving the way for the sale.

In doing this, we have found that a lot of time and money can be saved by sound strategic planning. The reason is simple: If you know exactly what you want to say, it’s easier to find ways of saying it.

Especially in B2B and more specifically in the advertising of medium-sized businesses, strategic planning often falls short of the mark.

This means that the agency is unsure of the core brand message and is unable to create consistently efficient advertising. One of the reasons why we firmly believe that strategic planning plays the most important part when creating great advertising.

From the outset, in workshops and briefs, we delve into the company’s values and DNA and bring together the client’s product and market knowledge along with insights gained through research, our own extensive experience in international B2B marketing and a large dose of creativity from all sides.

You will see the results of our strategic work in all our communication mechanisms, from corporate and brochure design to advertising, direct mail, online marketing and beyond.